Sustanon - instructions for use, composition, form of release, indications, side effects, analogues and price. How to Take Sustanon in Bodybuilding Side Effects of Taking Sustanon

Sustanon is the trade name for oil-based injectable mixtures containing testosterone compounds owned by Organon Pharmaceuticals. Sustanon 250 is a blend of four testosterone esters:

    30 mg testosterone propionate

    60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate

    60 mg testosterone isocaproate

    100 mg testosterone decanoate

Sustanon 100 was similar, although containing three esters. This smaller dose is generally used in pediatrics.

    20 mg testosterone propionate

    40 mg testosterone phenylpropionate

    40 mg testosterone isocaproate

Sustanon 100 has not been manufactured since 2009. The numbers in the names indicate that the content of testosterone compounds in each mixture is 250 and 100 mg / ml, respectively. Different testosterone esters provide different half-lives. Etherification of testosterone molecules provides a prolonged (but non-linear) release of testosterone from the injection depot into the blood plasma. While the mixed testosterone esters in Sustanon provide more stable serum testosterone levels, a single testosterone long ester such as Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate can actually provide more stable serum testosterone levels. Sustanon is the preferred method of testosterone replacement in the UK as described in the British National Formulary. There was a short shortage of Sustanon 250 at the end of 2011 due to licensing issues, and a further shortage in mid-2012 due to manufacturing problems. This form of testosterone is a popular anabolic steroid choice among bodybuilders and athletes.


Sustanon (also known as Sustanon 250) is one of the most popular testosterone products available today, widely used in the bodybuilding community and in medicine. Sustanon is the trade name for a mixture or 4 different esterified variants of testosterone, each of which is contained there in a certain ratio. The exact mix of testosterone esters in Sustanol 250 Blend is as follows:

    30 mg Testosterone Propionate

    60 mg Testosterone phenylpropionate

    60 mg Testosterone isocaproate

    100 mg Testosterone decanoate

These testosterone esters form a total of 250mg of testosterone, which is why the formulation is named Sustanon 250. The basis for combining these esters is to create a testosterone formulation that can provide the patient with the benefits of a rapid release of testosterone into the bloodstream along with a slower release in order to achieve faster and more sustained peak plasma levels. This is different from using a single testosterone ester, such as testosterone propionate, which is one single product containing testosterone propionate and only testosterone propionate. Sustanon was originally developed by Organon in the early 1970s with the goal of providing a testosterone-based drug that would provide certain medical and clinical setting compared with the use of individual testosterone esters. The end result is that in a medical setting, the user rarely needs to inject the drug compared to other forms of testosterone. Sustanon 250 is an almost exclusively European and international product and has never been approved for use in the North American prescription drug market. Sustanon's "twin", omnadren, was/is a direct copy/clone of Sustanon from Poland, which gained popularity and widespread use in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Omnadren initially had little difference compared to Sustanon, but shortly thereafter, was made with literally the exact same ingredients, ratio, and specifications as Sustanon. The popularity of Sustanon among athletes and bodybuilders is not the same as before, but this product is still widely used, especially among novice users and novices. The reason for the initial rise in popularity of Sustanon was due to the realization that with one dose of this drug, the user could get more steroid for the same money, compared to other products. However, in the long run, this perception proved to be false, as Sustanon 250 was developed specifically for medical and clinical use, and not for athletics. The drug is optimally suited for people experiencing health problems that require the use of testosterone, and provides a much more convenient and comfortable use compared to other steroids. Sustanon requires application only once every 3-4 weeks. Athletes and bodybuilders require very different supplementation procedures, and therefore plasma testosterone levels in the blood will peak at about the same level in the same time frame as with any other simple testosterone product. With the aim of improving performance and physique, Sustanon generally only meets the minimum requirements and expectations at a slightly higher price and more complex dosing schedule due to the complex nature of the combined testosterone esters contained in the product. At its core, Sustanon is the main product of testosterone and is no different from itself. Considered the "father" of all anabolic steroids, testosterone can provide significant muscle building by having an affinity for the androgen receptor, promoting receptor-dependent pathways involved in fat loss and muscle growth. Testosterone also affects muscle growth outside of areas specific to muscle growth, such as promoting glycogen synthesis.

Side effects

Potential side effects of Sustanon include all the side effects specific to testosterone itself, as Sustanon is a direct product of Testosterone. First, there are concerns about estrogenic side effects due to the nature of testosterone, which is . It expresses affinity for the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for the aromatization (or conversion) of testosterone to estrogen. Estrogenic side effects include water retention and bloating, increased blood pressure (as a result of water retention), increased possible fat retention, and . These effects are dose and sensitivity dependent and higher doses of Sustanon will increase the frequency and severity of these side effects. In order to mitigate side effects, the use of an aromatase inhibitor and/or an estrogen blocker such as Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) will be necessary. Further research into the differences between aromatase inhibitors (AIs) and SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) should be researched by the user in order to fully understand the differences.
Androgenic side effects are also of concern as testosterone will be readily converted to (DHT) in various body tissues. This creates an overall increase in androgenic side effects, as DHT is a much more potent androgen than testosterone. Although testosterone itself has a moderate androgenic power, the problem lies with dihydrotestosterone, which is a much more potent androgen. Androgenic side effects include: increased sebum secretion (oily skin), acne (associated with increased sebum secretion), body and facial hair growth, and an increased risk of male pattern baldness in individuals who have the genetic trait required to for this condition to occur. These side effects of Sustanol can be reduced by the use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors as well as topical DHT antagonists such as Nizoral. Virilization (masculinization) is a big problem with strong androgens such as testosterone and this is why this drug is not recommended for use in women. Virilization includes side effects such as growth of body and facial hair, deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and menstrual cycle. Hepatotoxicity is not a problem when using Sustanon 250 or any injectable Testosterone product. Testosterone has obvious negative effects on cardiovascular system, most strongly - on a negative change in cholesterol profiles. Testosterone alone appears to moderately lower LDL ("good" cholesterol), but studies have shown even worse changes when combined with aromatase inhibitors, resulting in an additional increase in LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and an even more marked decrease in HDL. As an anabolic steroid, testosterone will initiate the breakdown, suppression and shutdown of endogenous testosterone production, especially at doses required in bodybuilding.

How to use Sustanon

Sustanon 250 is used, in general, for an initial spike in plasma testosterone levels within 24-48 hours of administration. Thereafter, blood testosterone levels should remain elevated for 21 days as a result of the mixture containing more testosterone esters. The idea here, as previously mentioned, is to use Sustanol almost exclusively in testosterone replacement therapy. This should be kept in mind when a person is ready to start Sustanon cycles. The first indication of the half-life of Sustanon should be the fact that Sustanon cycles must be started for longer periods, usually 10-14 weeks. Even 10-week Sustanon cycles are seen as short. Sustanol cycles often involve the use of Sustanol alone, especially for beginners. As a testosterone product, Sustanon can also be used as the main ingredient in a cycle containing other products. The initial cycles may also include at least one other compound, typically for the purpose of increasing mass and strength. An example is the use of Sustanol 250 for 12 weeks, with Dianabol (methandrostenolone) for the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle. Nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Duarbolin) is also commonly used in conjunction with Sustanon cycles, and tends to pair especially well with it due to its longer half-life, and is suitable for longer cycles of 12 weeks or longer.


Originally developed and intended for clinical and medical use, especially in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), medical doses of Sustanon average 250 mg every 3 weeks, and are usually adjusted according to individual needs, in consultation with a physician. In sports and bodybuilding, most beginners use Sustanon at doses ranging from 300-500mg per week. As a rule, it is not necessary to increase the dosage of Sustanol above this dosage range, especially when used with other compounds. Intermediate users often use doses in the range of 500-750 mg per week, and often use Sustanol alone. Intermediate users often continue to use 500 mg per week when combined with other compounds. Experienced users tend to use 750 - 1000 mg per week, but again, this usually only happens when Sustanol is used alone and not in combination with other anabolic steroids. Another common option is to use Sustanon at TRT levels to simply provide baseline levels of the hormone so as to facilitate basic biological functions while other, stronger compounds promote anabolic effects. In this case, users often use Sustanon at a dose of 100-250 mg per week, and use other compounds at higher doses. Sustanon 250 is not recommended for women due to its strong androgenic nature. The dosage varies, and depends on the specific medical history of the patient. However, according to the Electronic Medicines Compendium, or EmC, Sustanon 250 is commonly prescribed at the following dosage levels:

    For adults - injections of 1 ml of Sustanon, once every three weeks.

    For children, safe dosage limits have not yet been established.

    Transgender women who want to become men in specialized centers use a dosage ranging from an injection of 1 ml every two weeks to an injection of 1 ml once every four weeks.

Receive mode

Testosterone should be administered by deep intramuscular injection.

Pharmacological characteristics of Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250 is made up of four testosterone esters, each with its own duration of action. With its various testosterone variants, Sustanon 250 is designed to provide a gradual release of testosterone into plasma, which is associated with reduced dosage frequency. Testosterone by itself, without any esters, has a half-life of 2-4 hours. However, when esters are added to this natural hormone, they slow down the release of testosterone. As for Sustanon 250, with propionate attached to it, the testosterone preparation has a half-life of 4.5 days, which is significantly longer than the normal half-life of testosterone. The four esters of Sustanon 250 undergo hydrolysis, i.e., are destroyed by the action of water, almost immediately after entering the general circulation, leaving the natural steroid hormone, testosterone, free in the blood. A single dose of Sustanon results in an increase in plasma testosterone levels. Peak testosterone levels of around 70 nmol are reached within 24-48 hours after administration of Sustanon 250. Testosterone levels return to the normal range after 21 days in men. The use of injections of Sustanon 250 leads to a significant increase in the levels of testosterone, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione in blood plasma. There is also a decrease in the level of SHBG (globulin that binds sex hormones). FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) return to their expected range after administration of Sustanon 250. In men suffering from hypogonadism (reduced testicular function), this popular testosterone preparation results in a marked improvement in testosterone deficiency symptoms. There are several other health benefits, such as increased lean body mass and bone mineral density. Improved sexual function is another treatment benefit - including erectile function and libido. The treatment results in a decrease in triglycerides, as well as in serum levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein), while increasing hematocrit and hemoglobin levels, with little or no effect on PSA (prostate-specific antigen). No side effects have been noted regarding prostate symptoms, but treatment with Sustanon 250 may increase the size of the patient's prostate. When taken concomitantly with androgens, hypogonadal diabetic patients show increased sensitivity to insulin. A decrease in blood glucose levels in patients has also been reported. The combination of Sustanon 250 and androgens has also proven to be effective in promoting masculinity in transgender women who want to become men.

- a hormonal preparation based on four testosterone esters of various durations. If official instruction according to the application involves the use of the drug for therapeutic purposes every 3 weeks for the treatment of testosterone-deficient conditions in men and advanced hyperestrogenism in women, then the drug is used in strength sports in a slightly different way. You should know how to take the medication correctly, but it is not recommended to abuse the remedy solely for sports purposes. Uncontrolled intake of anabolic androgenic steroids leads to the development of severe side effects - gynecomastia, alopecia, impotence and many others. Even reasonable use will not protect against the occurrence of negative consequences.

How to inject Sustanon 250 in bodybuilding

Sustanon 250 solo course (without additional combined use with other anabolic steroids) should be carried out according to the following recommendations:

  • Can only be used by men, women are not recommended to use long testosterone esters, as it will be difficult to control side effects if they occur
  • Women use sustanon in extremely rare cases, only if they are already advanced users and do not worry about their reproductive functions and appearance.
  • Optimal dosages in the range of 250 - 500 mg once a week
  • The optimal length of use for a man is up to 10 weeks, if the course of Sustanon 250 involves longer use, then from the 10th week of use, you should connect chorionic gonadotropin, 500-25000 units per week, no more
  • The classic aromatase inhibitor - anastrozole, is connected if side effects occur during use, similar to a sharp increase in estrogen (swelling occurs, nipples begin to itch)
  • It must be taken after 2-3 weeks from the beginning of the course, half a tablet every other day, and finish taking 1-2 weeks before the start of post-cycle therapy (after the last injection of the drug, aromatase inhibitors are removed, and PCT is performed after 2-3 weeks)
  • In parallel, it is recommended to monitor hormonal parameters, primarily estradiol - before the course, during and after the course, as well as after PCT
  • The easiest way to perform PCT is to take tamoxifen 20 mg for one month, then the second month for 10 mg
  • Additionally, it is recommended to use a lot of sports nutrition on PCT, testosterone boosters or tribulus, at least 1000 mg per day, for a duration of 1 month, hepatoprotectors for 1 month of admission (but in no case on the course, hepatoprotectors are harmful during the use of steroids)
  • Vitamins will not interfere: E in the amount of 200-300 mg, selenium 50-100 mcg, zincteral per tablet per day, ascorbic acid- 500 mg per day, nicotinic acid 100-150 mg per day
  • Recommended to drink choleretic drugs how to take: holosas 2 tablespoons per day, you can also replace holosas with flamin or tykveol if the user is not recommended to eat foods rich in sugar
  • It is also advisable to take fish fat to avoid elevated levels of harmful triglycerides.

Received effects on a solo course:

  • An increase in muscle mass with a well-constructed diet, otherwise it will flood with water, which will come off at the end of the injections, and nothing will remain of the gained mass except fat
  • Anti-catabolic processes
  • Increased sexual desire
  • A good appetite
  • Improving endurance due to enhanced blood formation.

Possible side effects

A large amount of testosterone is able to convert to estradiol. If estrogen levels are too high, then there are negative side effects associated with gynecomastia, female-type obesity and severe fluid retention, for this reason aromatase inhibitors are prescribed. Another important point is that if the levels of estradiol are greatly underestimated on the course, then there will be no effect from the drug, mass and strength indicators will not grow, since estrogen is one of the key hormones for progress while taking anabolic steroids. Optimal reference values estrogen while using Sustanon 250 injections is near the upper limit of normal.

Due to the long-term decrease in the body's own testosterone in the body, when an exogenous analogue is administered for more than two consecutive months in high dosages, testicular atrophy may occur. Prevention this effect- do not exceed the duration of use for more than two months and conduct PCT on time with the help of antiestrogens. If the indicated duration of use is exceeded, antiestrogens (clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen) are used. Also, testosterone in high dosages, coming from outside, is converted not only into estradiol, but also into dihydrotestosterone - the most powerful androgen in the male body, the excess content of which is fraught with premature baldness, hypertrophied prostate, acne. It is impossible to take substances that will reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone in the body on a course of anabolic steroids, otherwise the effect of potent substances is leveled.

Sustanon 250 is the most effective steroid for gaining muscle mass and strength. The active chemicals included in the composition: testosterone propionate 30 mg, testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg, testosterone isocaproate 60 mg, testosterone decanoate 100 mg increase the effectiveness of each other, that is, this structure leads to the so-called synergistic effect, in connection with this, sustanon has more positive, effective action than individually Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate.

This anabolic steroid quickly shows its effectiveness on the body of an athlete, and remains to act for several more weeks. In other words, propionate, which is part of testosterone sustanon, makes the delivered steroid act on the day of injection, and the effectiveness of the action lasts 3-4 weeks thanks to decanoate.

The pronounced androgenic effect of sustanon is combined with a strong anabolic effect, due to which both muscle mass and strength of the athlete are increased. Unlike testosterone enanthate and cypionate, sustanon retains less water in the body and does not aromatize as much.

Many professional athletes put sustanon once a week, and in relatively small doses, despite this, it works just as well as it does on the “steroid beginner”.

The optimal dosage for bodybuilders and powerlifters varies from 250 to 1000 mg per week, it all depends on the skill of the athlete and his "steroid experience". For most, 500 mg per week will be enough, or 250 mg in combination with another compatible steroid, for example, deca-durabolin, dianabol, anadrol (this is for gaining muscle mass), to work on relief, sustanon is most often combined with such steroids like Parabolan, Winstrol, Oxandrolone, Primobolan.

Sustamed 250 Balkan Pharmaceuticals

To avoid aromatization, use anti-estrogens: Nolvadex, Proviron, although the likelihood of testosterone turning into estradiol is not great. Due to the fact that sustanon suppresses its own production of testosterone, turn on 6 weeks after taking, or at the end of the course, sex hormone stimulants in the testicles - human chorionic gonadotropin and clomid.

Sustanon is contraindicated for women, due to a strong increase in androgens in the blood, otherwise the phenomenon of virilization will occur. Currently, girls turn a blind eye to everything, not seeing any obstacles in their victorious path, therefore, for such ladies, sustanon is limited to 250 mg once every 14 days, no longer than 6 weeks.

Side Effects of Sustanon 250

The severity of side effects from sustanon depends on the duration of the course and dosages, as well as on genetic predisposition, in any case, you can expect: the appearance of acne (acne), hair loss, aggressiveness, increased attraction to the opposite sex, decreased production of testosterone by the testicles, insignificant water retention in the body, gynecomastia.

In Russia, you can buy three types of sustanon, Egyptian sustanon (under license from Organon), Indian sustaretard from B.M. Pharmaceuticals, Pakistani Sustanon (licensed by Organon).

We remind you that this article does not encourage anyone to take anabolic steroids, all information is provided for informational purposes only, and not as instructions for action. Take care of yourself!


Hormone drug for testosterone replacement therapy Sustanon is used in sports practice as a steroid, as well as for the treatment of diseases and conditions that require an increase in the level of male sex hormone in the blood. Therapy is carried out only as directed and under the strict supervision of a specialist. The development of side effects can lead to serious negative consequences for the patient's health.

What is Sustanon

Androgenic drug (that is, produced on the basis of the male sex hormone) Sustanon is an injectable solution based on four testosterone esters, which, when released into the bloodstream, are converted into a natural hormone. Testosterone is the main chemical that regulates male sexual function. In adolescence, it ensures normal puberty, and throughout the life of a man is responsible for:

  • normal functioning of the prostate gland;
  • production and quality of seminal fluid;
  • maintenance of sexual desire;
  • maintaining the ability to achieve an erection.

Composition and form of release

Sustanon is available as a solution for intramuscular injection, which is a yellow oily liquid. 1 ml contains 250 mg of the main active ingredient, auxiliary components - peanut butter, benzyl alcohol, nitrogen. The content of testosterone esters is presented below:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

During therapy with the use of Sustanon in men with reduced testosterone production, its concentration increases to clinically significant indicators. The level of estradiol, androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone in plasma increases. The indicators of globulin, which is responsible for the binding of sex hormones, decrease, and the indicators of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones return to normal. The effect of reducing the symptoms of testosterone deficiency is comprehensively achieved - sexual function is normalized (libido and erectile function are restored).

In those undergoing treatment, there is an increase in muscle mass, bone mineral density (which causes it to be taken by athletes as an anabolic steroid to accelerate muscle building). In the blood serum, the concentration of hemoglobin, hematocrit (erythrocyte volume) increases, triglycerides, low and high density lipoproteins decrease. The level of liver enzymes and prostate specific antigen does not change.

Perhaps an increase in the size of the prostate gland, not accompanied by a change in function, and a decrease in body weight with obesity. Men with hypogonadism (impaired function of the gonads, accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones) and diabetes during the course of treatment should take into account that Sustanon-250 increases insulin sensitivity, can lower glucose levels. Dose adjustment of insulin preparations or a change in the regimen approved by the attending physician is required.

Testosterone esters, which are part of Sustanon, have different rates of action - the half-life of testosterone propionate is from 24 to 48, phenylpropionate - from 48 to 96 hours, isocaproate - 120-192 hours, decanoate - up to 10 days. Maximum concentration natural testosterone in plasma resulting from the hydrolysis reaction, observed 1-2 days after intramuscular administration of the solution. Nonspecific binding to blood proteins is 97% or more. Metabolized to estriol and dihydrotestosterone, excreted in the urine.

Indications for use

The drug Sustanon can be used by athletes involved in bodybuilding or weightlifting to accelerate muscle building as an anabolic steroid. It is necessary to use the drug under the supervision of the trainer and the attending physician. In medical practice, the drug is prescribed for deficiency of male sex hormones during:

  • congenital or acquired hypogonadism (dysfunction of the gonads);
  • male menopause and others hormonal disruptions;
  • oligospermia (decrease in the amount of sperm released during ejaculation);
  • male infertility;
  • delayed puberty.

In some cases, the remedy can also be prescribed to women, with dosage adjustments and treatment regimens. Testosterone preparations are taken in the complex therapy of hormonal disruptions caused by menopause, or with severe premenstrual syndrome, during the treatment of malignant tumors in the uterus or ovaries, with fibroids or inflammation and growth of the endometrium of the uterus. The selection of the drug is carried out by the attending physician based on the history and individual characteristics of the patient's body.?

How to inject Sustanon

Sustanon solution is administered intramuscularly, as deeply as possible. The average recommended dose is 1 ml per week, the duration of therapy is selected individually depending on the indications for use, the individual characteristics of the organism. Treatment is carried out on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist. In sports practice, the course of Sustanon is prescribed either in monotherapy or in combination with other drugs (depending on the goals of therapy) - Gonadotropin, Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone, Winstrol, Primobolan, Deca-Durabolin.

special instructions

Therapy with the use of the drug Sustanon should be carried out under the supervision of specialists with regular measurements of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, studies to exclude hyperplasia or prostate cancer (especially for the elderly). The drug does not affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the course of Sustanon alone or in combination with other drugs is categorically contraindicated, since changes in the hormonal background can have serious irreversible consequences for the formation of the child's body. It is necessary to replace the androgenic drug with another pharmacological group.

In childhood

Sustanon is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Application in adolescence with delayed puberty is possible only on the prescription of specialists, under their supervision and strict control of the response of the patient's body. Dosage and treatment regimen Sustanon solo is selected individually, based on history and individual characteristics.

Sustanon in bodybuilding

Doctors do not recommend the use hormonal drugs in order to increase the endurance of an athlete, to quickly build muscle mass, due to the high risk of harm to health. However, the drug is a popular sports anabolic steroid, taken both solo and in combination with other drugs. Such therapy should be carried out only with the consent of the coach and in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

drug interaction

Any pharmacological agents that affect the inhibition or induction of enzymes can change the concentration of testosterone. During insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus, an adjustment (reduction) of insulin doses is required, because Sustanon increases the absorption of glucose. With the parallel administration of anticoagulants, a decrease in their dosage is required.

Side effects of Sustanon

During therapy with the use of Sustanon, the development of side effects associated with changes in hormonal levels or exceeding acceptable dosages is possible. Increased risk of developing:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • prostate cancer;
  • hypertrophy, hyperplasia of the prostate;
  • oligospermia;
  • priapism;
  • gynecomastia;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • violations of the liver;
  • decrease or increase in libido;
  • sudden mood swings, increased nervous excitability, depressive states;
  • fluid retention, accompanied by edema;
  • skin rashes, itching, skin redness and other allergic reactions;
  • myalgia;
  • performance improvement blood pressure;
  • polycythemia.


When injected intramuscularly, the degree of toxic effect of the drug on the body is not high. Due to the regular excess of the recommended dosage, the development of priapism (painful erection, not associated with sexual arousal and not stopping after ejaculation) was noted. There is no universal antidote for cases of overdose. The course is interrupted until all side effects, after which they resume taking it in reduced doses.


The use of Sustanon is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under three years of age, in the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components. It is strictly contraindicated in cases of prostate or breast cancer diagnoses. Patients need to be careful adolescence, and in the presence of diagnoses:

  • liver failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • violations of cardiac activity;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate hypertrophy, accompanied by urinary retention;
  • violations of pulmonary activity, apnea;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • obesity.

Terms of sale and storage

Sustanon can only be purchased with a prescription. An unopened ampoule can be stored for five years from the date of issue. You can store the product at room temperature, out of the reach of children and protected from direct sunlight.


Sustanon is not the only drug designed for testosterone replacement treatment. Analogues of the drug in terms of the active substance and mechanism of action are:

  • Sustaver is a structural analogue of Sustanon, produced on the basis of the same testosterone esters, with a similar mechanism of action and dosage regimens.
  • Omandren 250 is a complete structural analogue of Sustanon, designed to correct testosterone levels in case of its deficiency.
  • Enanthate is a solution for intramuscular injections based on testosterone enanthate. It is used in similar clinical cases, including in sports practice.

Sustanon price

You can buy Sustanon in pharmacies, you will need a doctor's appointment. The average price range for an injection solution in Moscow pharmacies is presented in the table below.

Sustanon-250 - medicine from the group of so-called androgens. For readers of "Popular about Health" I will present this pharmaceutical product for detailed consideration.

So, the instruction of Sustanon-250:

The composition of Sustanon-250 and the release form

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in a yellow solution, it is oily, intended for intramuscular injection. Among the active substances can be noted: testosterone propionate, testosterone decanoate, in addition, testosterone phenylpropionate, as well as testosterone isocaproate. Among the auxiliary compounds: nitrogen, peanut oil, benzyl alcohol is present.

On the package with the solution, you can see the expiration date of Sustanon-250, as well as the date of manufacture of the pharmaceutical preparation. You can buy a pharmaceutical product in the OTC department.

Pharmacological action Sustanon-250

The drug Sustanon-250 contains testosterone, which is considered an endogenous hormone that is needed for the normal growth of male genital organs and the full development of secondary sexual characteristics. This component is indispensable for the male body, to maintain libido, erectile potency, and also for the normal functioning of the prostate.

Treatment with Sustanon-250 leads to an increase in the concentrations of testosterone, estradiol, androstenedione in the bloodstream, and the level of globulin, luteinizing hormone, decreases to normal levels. In addition, muscle mass and bone density increase, sexual function normalizes. Metabolized to estriol and other metabolites. Excreted with urine.

Sustanon-250 indications for use

The pharmaceutical preparation Sustanon-250 is indicated for use as testosterone replacement therapy in diagnosed pathological conditions in men associated with such a phenomenon as hypogonadism.

Sustanon-250 contraindications for use

I will list when Sustanon-250 is contraindicated for use:

If you suspect prostate or breast cancer;
With hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
Until the age of three, the medication should not be used.

With caution, Sustanon-250 is prescribed to boys in the prepubertal period in order to avoid the so-called premature puberty; with chronic heart failure; with diabetes; in childhood; with diagnosed apnea; with prostate hypertrophy; with chronic lung disease.

Application of Sustanon-250 and dosage

Side effects of Sustanon-250

Usually, treatment with Sustanon-250 is accompanied by the following side effects: benign and malignant neoplasms, prostate cancer, polycythemia, edema is observed, depression is possible, excessive nervous irritability is observed, mood changes are added, a decrease or increase in libido is noted.

Among other negative manifestations of the administration of Sustanon-250, one can note the addition of myalgia, an increase in blood pressure, nausea is possible, acne is fixed, itching of the skin is observed, there may be gynecomastia, oligospermia, in addition, a decrease in ejaculate volume, as well as priapism, hypertrophy prostate.

Among others negative reactions there may be a violation of liver function, a decrease in the concentration of triglycerides, LDL, HDL in the bloodstream is added, hypercalcemia is characteristic. In addition, there is a local negative manifestation on the introduction of the solution, which is expressed in the form of soreness, itching, and redness of the immediate injection site. It is worth noting that after the drug is discontinued, side effects will persist for some time.

Overdose of Sustanon-250

Cases of acute toxicity of Sustanon-250 were not observed. Usually when long-term use priapism developed in men, in such a situation, the use of the drug should be discontinued, and after the patient's condition is normalized, therapeutic measures can be resumed.

special instructions

A patient receiving treatment with the pharmaceutical preparation Sustanon-250 must be subject to mandatory medical supervision during the year, and then once a year. At the same time, certain studies are carried out for the patient: digital rectal - in order to exclude benign prostatic hyperplasia. In addition, it is necessary to exclude polycythemia, for this measure the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit.

In patients suffering from cardiac pathology, as well as with impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, treatment with Sustanon-250 pharmaceutical preparation can provoke some complications, including heart failure and edema. In the event of adverse reactions, it is necessary to temporarily suspend therapeutic measures with this pharmaceutical preparation, or it is necessary to reduce its dosage.

The use of Sustanon-250 in the elderly may increase the likelihood of developing prostatic hypertrophy or prostate cancer.

Sustanon-250 analogues

The drug Omnadren 250, Testenat, and also Tetrasterone belong to the analogues of the drug Sutanon-250.


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